Why Knee Deep?

My childhood dream of being a college soccer star seemed to have been cut short when I was 17 and had Posterolateral grade 3 corner surgery.
- This surgery addresses damage to the outer side of the knee, specifically the lateral collateral ligament and the posterolateral corner structures'

However, I spent 6 months doing 5+ hours of rehab daily. In the morning I would go to the school training room, then go to weights, and after school go to a Physical Therapy Clinic, and I would get home and do 2-3 more hours of more lifting, biking and recovery

My hard work and dedication paid off when I was recruited to play Division 1 soccer at Saint Mary's College. After having two extremely successful seasons at Saint Mary’s as a starter, I tore my ACL during a rainy scrimmage.  Despite this setback, I went through yet another long and difficult rehabilitation process to recover from this injury and was back to playing senior year. Also over my Saint Mary’s career, I  had 2 arthroscopic surgeries for pseudogout and a “button” removal.

After graduating and transferring to UNC for a Master’s program, my knee troubles weren’t over. The graft used in my first ACL surgery was now loose and structurally compromised. I did my best to play for UNC knowing it was my last year, but after countless “knee slips” and lots of pain I wasn’t able to compete to my ability. After the season ended I had a contralateral ACL reconstruction which I am still recovering from! Soccer on hold, my focus has now focused 100% to rehabbing, helping others, and schooling. 

I am on track to finish my Masters of Accounting program at UNC in the summer. And after graduation, I will be moving to Charlotte to begin my career at PwC as an accountant.

Let me know if there is anything I can do to help or if you have any Questions! That's the point of this page, please comment or reach out!


James Person

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